In this article, I shall demonstrate including an automated Tableau workbook refresh as part of a data transformation refresh process

Whilst Tableau Server does have a built-in scheduler for users to schedule refreshes of data whether they be workbook extracts, or published extracts, sadly, the scheduler is quite limited in function.

As long as the server is able to reach the data source, then the server and workbook are able to report that the refresh attempt was successful. Attempt - this is the key word, so even if no data had been transferred, or even if the table had been truncated before hand, Tableau Server is still correct in marking the refresh as successful.

Reports and dashboards require data in order to function, but also require the latest data in order to be useful. A dashboard that does not contain the latest available data is about as useful as a waterproof teabag. So a scheduler that is not capable of profiling the data source ahead of a refresh, is also not very useful as it could end-up just refreshing the same data yet reporting that the latest data has been loaded, or worse, in the event that the source table has been truncated, Tableau will actually import No data.

Import no data is not the same as no import or importing nothing, if the data source is empty as it has been truncated or rebuilt following corruption, then this is what Tableau shall import: scrubbing the existing data in the extract.
In essence, the extract will still exist, but shall be empty!

One potential method of avoiding such a problem would be to use an incremental refresh, though this requires a field to be targeted such as a date or row number; but what happens if you have a less-than-straightforward setup? Maybe this is a rolling year-and-a-day dashboard: as data is reprocessed, you can perform a daily refresh just to bring through the latest data, but, on the first of each month, the whole data-set needs to be dropped and the entire last 12 months needs to be brought in.
Tools like Alteryx and Tableau Prep can perform similar tasks like this, though they too are still limited to only bringing through data when it is ready: there is no failsafe if the data simply isn't ready yet as its still in transit; the only alternative in this situation is "wait until tomorrow" - not great for mission-critical data.

This is exactly the problem encountered by Madhu Latha Doddala in their real-world Tableau Forum post: schedule a incremental refresh daily and full refresh once a month to the same data extract ( perfect timing for this article, so I used this article to help him tackle his more complex requirements; with a couple of added extras of my own:

So including the refresh as part of the etl build is the safest method to ensuring that the data is refreshed just-in-time. What's more is, that by building the refresh process directly into the etl mechanism, we can go beyond the basics of the Tableau Server refresh and even the notifications.

This full build will demonstrate:

All in a complete package that can be easily deployed and later modified.

This complete guide has been broken-down to the following sections:


Part 1: The Code

We will be creating several types of code as we go, though the pieces we want to focus on here are:

Part 1a: The Log Table

It all begins with a log. The log controls everything: it determines whether the process can initiate, and in some bigger etl's, I use a log for stage processing; this way, if a stage fails to complete, or needs to be reprocessed, I can simply kick-off the whole etl process knowing only the failed stages will be processed. Furthermore, as emails are also included in the process, the tech team are only notified if part or all of a process has failed, and using this log, I can include the tables that failed.

So as a minimum, our log will need:

Well, it is a log after all. Sure, there are a number of fields that may not seem too relevant for controlling an etl process, and you'd be correct; only the fields coloured orange are all that are required, but for the sake of a few extra lines of code, we can plug the log into another dashboard (tool of choice but if Tableau is in your arsenal, it may as well be this), and this way, you can keep a proactive analysis of the etl performance: sudden spikes in record counts or processing times etc allow you the time to look for the cause before they become a real problem.

The necessary fields - the orange ones:

Finally, unless you have a multi-refresh set-up in which case the date_time fields will become so much more important, it is the case that there should be just one completed entry per refresh, as a new record is only created and populated when the etl begins.

Create Table dbo.Company_KPI_Log (
	KPI_Log_ID Int Identity(1,1) Not Null
	Constraint pk_KPI_Log Primary Key Clustered(KPI_Log_ID)
	,Process_Start_Date Date Null
	,Process_Start_DateTime DateTime Null
	,Process_End_Date Date Null
	,Process_End_DateTime DateTime Null
	,Process_Complete_Flag TinyInt Null
	,Processing_Time Time Null
	,Data_Process_Start_DateTime DateTime Null
	,Data_Process_End_DateTime DateTime Null
	,Record_Count Int Null
	,RecordSet_Max_Date Date Null
	,Tableau_Refresh_Start_DateTime DateTime Null
	,Tableau_Refresh_End_DateTime DateTime Null

All the fields need to be defined as null, as they shall be updated as each process stage completes.

And, although I have written this for SQL Server, I have kept it as close to SQL ANSI-11 as possible, the field "Process_Complete_Flag" should be a boolean field (bit in SQL Server with a data size of 1 byte), I have defined this to a TinyInt which in SQL Server can hold a value of between 0 to 255 but is also 1 byte in size, so has the same data size as bit which can only hold 0 or 1 (False or True)

Part 1b: The Table

Lets create the table now. I have created this as a sproc, this is so I can include it as a failsafe in the main etl code: If the table is not present, then recreate it so as to prevent the main etl bugging-out when it comes to load the data to a table that does not exist. Also, you will notice that this script creates two identical tables - the actual table, and a staging table. This is so we can load the data to the staging table first, check to ensure the data is present before then loading into the main table. This process allows for a failsafe, to retain the existing data in the event that no newer data is available at the time of the refresh.
We won't create this straight away, we'll let the etl script handle this later; this way, we know the failsafe is working:

Create Procedure sp_Company_KPI_Data_Table As

Create Table dbo.Company_KPI_Data_Load (
	Company_KPI_DL_ID Int Identity(1,1) Not Null
	Constraint pk_Company_KPI_DL Primary Key Clustered(Company_KPI_DL_ID)
	,Order_ID Varchar(20) Null
	,Order_Date Date Null
	,Ship_Date Date Null
	,Ship_Mode Varchar(20) Null
	,Customer_ID Varchar(10) Null
	,Customer_Name Varchar(30) Null
	,Segment Varchar(20) Null
	,Country_Region Varchar(20) Null
	,City Varchar(20) Null
	,[State] Varchar(20) Null
	,Postal_Code Int Null
	,Region Varchar(10) Null
	,Product_ID Varchar(20) Null
	,Category Varchar(20) Null
	,Sub_Category Varchar(20) Null
	,Product_Name Varchar(130) Null
	,Sales Real Null
	,Quantity Smallint Null
	,Discount Real Null
	,Profit Real Null

-- Checks for the presence of the staging table, drops and recreates
If Object_ID('Company_KPI_Data_Load_stg') Is Not Null Drop Table Company_KPI_Data_Load_stg;

Create Table dbo.Company_KPI_Data_Load_stg (
	Company_KPI_DL_ID Int Identity(1,1) Not Null
	Constraint pk_Company_KPI_DL Primary Key Clustered(Company_KPI_DL_ID)
	,Order_ID Varchar(20) Null
	,Order_Date Date Null
	,Ship_Date Date Null
	,Ship_Mode Varchar(20) Null
	,Customer_ID Varchar(10) Null
	,Customer_Name Varchar(30) Null
	,Segment Varchar(20) Null
	,Country_Region Varchar(20) Null
	,City Varchar(20) Null
	,[State] Varchar(20) Null
	,Postal_Code Int Null
	,Region Varchar(10) Null
	,Product_ID Varchar(20) Null
	,Category Varchar(20) Null
	,Sub_Category Varchar(20) Null
	,Product_Name Varchar(130) Null
	,Sales Real Null
	,Quantity Smallint Null
	,Discount Real Null
	,Profit Real Null

Part 1c: The ETL Script

So now we have the log table, lets now get on with the code.

This code doesn't do anything special, simply selects some data from one table and moves it to another, the only difference is how much data is being moved: On the 1st of the month, the table is truncated and the last 365 days are transferred, whereas any other day, we are just transferring the number of days that have lapsed and become available since the last run, which we would normally expect to be one day.

Create Procedure sp_Company_KPI_Build As

-- Part 1: Identify the last run date:
Declare @Run_Date Date

-- In line with the requirement, when the date is the 1st of the month, run_date needs to be set to 365 days ago

Select @Run_Date = RecordSet_Max_Date From Company_KPI_Log Where KPI_Log_ID = (Select Max(KPI_Log_ID) From Company_KPI_Log)
If Datepart(day,GetDate()) = 1 Set @Run_Date = DateAdd(day,-365,@Run_Date)

-- Part 2: Prepare the table:
-- Step 1: If the table does not exist, create it
If Object_ID('Company_KPI_Data_Load') Is Null Exec sp_Company_KPI_Data_Table;

-- Step 2: Truncate the staging table
Truncate Table Company_KPI_Data_Load_stg

-- Step 3: Load the data to staging
Insert Into Company_KPI_Data_Load_stg

From dbo.Orders
Where Order_Date > @Run_Date;

-- Part 3:
-- Step 1: Now check the data in the staging table. This is a simple row-count to ensure that data has been loaded. Exit script if the check fails
If (Select Count(1) From Company_KPI_Data_Load_stg) < 1 Return
-- Step 2: Now we'll truncate the data if its the first of the month:
If Datepart(day,GetDate()) = 1 Truncate Table Company_KPI_Data_Load

-- Step 3: Now we can load the data to the production table
Insert Into Company_KPI_Data_Load

From Company_KPI_Data_Load_stg

So now we have the code to run the etl process, and the log file that controls it, we now have two final scripts to write: the Tableau ones.

Part 1d: The tabcmd scripts

The first, the refresh script is simply a login to Tableau Server, and initiate the workbook refresh, which will refresh all the extracts contained therein:
(I'm assuming that you have installed tabcmd, and moved it to the root directory of the pc/server that shall be executing the etl, and that you have created a scripts folder for your tabcmd scripts as detailed here: Tableau Server Automation - On a Tableau Quest... - Confluence (

cd c:\tabcmd\tabcmd
tabcmd login -s <your server> -u <your username> -p <your password>
tabcmd refreshextracts --workbook "Comapny_KPI"
tabcmd logoff

Always remember the logoff to close the session when you have completed your commands

Save this to the scripts directory (C:\tabcmd\scripts) as company_kpi_refresh.bat

Now the print-out, I would recommend another directory within tabcmd called "prints", and whilst its possible to print the entire workbook to pdf - useful for leaders who need a complete overview before they reach the office network, and a high-level summary just won't do, in this instance, I shall only export the Summary dashboard page, and I shall assume you are using only a single site, ,otherwise you would need the -t switch immediately before the workbook location

cd c:\tabcmd\tabcmd
tabcmd login -s <your server> -u <your username> -p <your password>
tabcmd export "Company_KPI/Summary" --png -f "C:\tabcmd\prints\company_kpi.png"
tabcmd logoff

Save this as company_kpi_daily_print.bat

Now we have finished the major scripting we can get on with the rest of the automation.

Part 2: Package Build

Open SQL Server Integration Services in MS Visual Studio, create a new project, give it a name and press OK to begin the build, this is covered here: Programmatic Workbook Refresh (10 Minute Read) - On a Tableau Quest... - Confluence ( in Step 2

  1. Drag an Execute SQL Task object to the canvas - this first step determines whether the package has already completed for today
  2. Double-Click the object to edit it
  3. Now drop onto the Parameter Mapping page to add a new parameter, this is so we can use the parameter later. Nb, you will need to define the Connection Type and Connection info on the General page before proceeding
    1. Click Add
    2. Change VariableName to RefreshState
    3. Direction to Output
    4. Data Type to Int16
    5. Parameter Name to @RefreshState
  4. Then open the General page
    1. Rename to "Package Start Check"
    2. Connection Type to ADO.Net
    3. Set the Connection to <your server>
    4. SQLSourceType to Direct input
    5. SQLStatement press the ellipses to expand the window and use this code:

      @RefreshState = 
      Case When Process_End_Date < DateAdd(day,1,GetDate()) Then 1
      Else 0 End
      From Company_KPI_Log
      Where KPI_Log_ID = (Select Max(KPI_Log_ID) From Company_KPI_Log)

  5. Then press OK to save
  6. Drag another Execute SQL Task onto the canvas and set:
    1. Name to "New Log Entry"
    2. Connection Type to ADO.Net
    3. Connection to <your server>
    4. SQLSourceType to Direct input
    5. SQLStatement to

      Insert Into Company_KPI_Log
      Cast(GetDate() As Date) As Process_Start_Date
      ,GetDate() As Process_Start_DateTime
      ,GetDate() As Data_Process_Start_DateTime

    6. IsQueryStoredProcedure to False
    7. Press OK
  7. Now join the Package Start Check object to the New Log Entry object with the green connector
  8. Double-click the green connector to enter the Precedence Constrain Editor and set
    1. Evaluation operation to Expression
    2. Expression - you can type in your variable here, or search for it and build the expression (preferred) by clicking the ellipses, the output should resemble

      @[User::RefreshState] == 1

      What this does is only progresses the package to the data refresh if the log check determined that the refresh hadn't taken place today: returns 1

    3. Press OK

  9. Now drag another Execute SQL Task onto the canvas - this will execute the data refresh:
    1. Name to Refresh Source
    2. Connection Type to ADO.Net
    3. Connection: <your server>
    4. SQLSourceType to Direct input
    5. SQLStatement to sp_Company_KPI_Build
    6. IsQueryStoredProcedure to True
    7. Press OK
    8. Connect New Log Entry to Refresh Source
  10. Another Execute SQL Task to update the log:
    1. NamePost Data Refresh Log Update
    2. Connection TypeADO.Net
    3. Connection: <your server>
    4. SQLSourceType to Direct input
    5. SQLStatement

      Update Company_KPI_Log
      Set Data_Process_End_DateTime = GetDate()
      ,Record_Count = (Select Count(1) From Company_KPI_Data_Load)
      ,RecordSet_Max_Date (Select Max(Order_Date) From Company_KPI_Data_Load)
      Where KPI_Log_ID = (Select Max(KPI_Log_ID) From Company_KPI_Log)

    6. Press OK
    7. Connect Refresh Source to Post Data Refresh Log Update
  11. Drag another Execute SQL Task onto the canvas - I should have said at the beginning, that this is mostly Execute SQL Task objects: This is for testing whether the Workbook is to be refreshed
    We'll be defining another output parameter here, although we shall be using the same User Variable as before. And just like earlier, you'll need to define your connection settings first, before heading to the parameter page:
    1. Go to the Parameter Mapping page
    2. Add a new variable, but this time, scroll the list to find the variable you previously defined
    3. DirectionOutput
    4. Data TypeInt16
    5. Parameter Name@RefreshState
  12. Onto the General page:
    1. NameTableau Refresh Start Check
    2. Connection TypeADO.Net
    3. Connection: <your server>
    4. SQLSourceType to Direct input
    5. SQLStatement:

      @RefreshState = 
      	Case Coalesce(Record_Count,0) > 0 Then 1 Else 0 End
      From Company_KPI_Log
      Where KPI_Log_ID = (Select Max(KPI_Log_ID) From Company_KPI_Log)

    6. Press OK
    7. Connect the Post Data Refresh Log Update to the Tableau Refresh Start Check
  13. Drag another Execute SQL Task onto the canvas: this will update the log with the workbook refresh start dateTime
    1. NameUpdate the Tableau Refresh Start
    2. Connection TypeADO.Net
    3. Connection: <your server>
    4. SQLSourceType to Direct input
    5. SQLStatement:

      Update Company_KPI_Log
      Set Tableau_Refresh_Start_DateTime = GetDate()
      Where KPI_Log_ID = (Select Max(KPI_Log_ID) From Company_KPI_Log)

    6. Press OK
    7. Now connect the Tableau Refresh Start Check to the Update the Tableau Refresh Start
    8. Double-click the connection and repeat Step 8 here: Set the Evaluation Operation to Expression and set the Expression to:

      @[User::RefreshState] ==1

  14. Now, drag an Execute Process Task onto the canvas: this will execute the workbook refresh tabcmd script we created earlier:
    1. Name: Refresh the workbook
    2. On the Process page
    3. ExecutableC:\tabcmd\scripts\company_kpi_refresh.bat
    4. WindowStyleMinimized
    5. Press OK
    6. Then connect the Update the Tableau Refresh Start to the Refresh the workbook
  15. Drag an Execute SQL Task onto the canvas: this will update the log with the workbook refresh end time
    1. NameUpdate the Tableau Refresh End
    2. Connection TypeADO.Net
    3. Connection: <your server>
    4. SQLSourceType to Direct input
    5. SQLStatement:

      Update Company_KPI_Log
      Set Tableau_Refresh_End_DateTime = GetDate()
      Where KPI_Log_ID = (Select Max(KPI_Log_ID) From Company_KPI_Log)

    6. And then connect the Refresh the workbook to the Update the Tableau Refresh End
  16. Drag another Execute Process Task onto the canvas: this shall run the second batch file to export the summary to the prints C:\tabcmd\prints folder. It is usually best to use SSIS to create the batch file here so you can encode the date onto the export filename, but these purposes, we shall simply execute the executable we created earlier.
    1. NamePrint workbook summary page
    2. On the Process page
    3. ExecutableC:\tabcmd\scripts\company_kpi_daily_print.bat
    4. WindowStyleMinimized
    5. Press OK
  17. We now need to make two connections to the workbook print object:
    1. Connect the Update the Tableau Refresh End to the Print workbook summary page
    2. And then connect the Tableau Refresh Start Check to the Print workbook summary page:
      1. Next, double click the connection made in 17b above
      2. Evaluation OperationExpression
      3. Expression:


        Therefore, if there was no data transferred during step 9, this shall be detected during step 12 above, redirecting the task straight to the generate the workbook image avoiding refreshing the workbook. 

      4. Press OK
  18. Now drag a Send MailTask object onto the canvas: this will send the email to your recipients. You can use SSIS to create detailed messages containing any error codes you have recorded based on your logging, but for this example, we'll stick with hard-coding the fields
    1. NameSend the summary page to the DL - you don't need a distribution list here, though it is more usual within a business to maintain them
    2. Onto the Mail page
    3. SmtpConnection: You will need to speak to your IT team as regards these details
    4. From: You
    5. To: Recipients and/or distribution list
    6. CcBCcSubject: Populate with your requirements
    7. MessageSource: <Message Body>
    8. Attachments: Navigate to the print produced by Tableau Server
    9. Press OK
    10. Connect the Print workbook summary page to the Send the summary page to the DL
  19. Drag one final Execute SQL Task onto the canvas: this updates the log with the process end date, datetime and the process complete flag:
    1. NameComplete Process Log 
    2. Connection TypeADO.Net
    3. Connection: <your server>
    4. SQLSourceType to Direct input
    5. SQLStatement:

      Update Company_KPI_Log
      Set Process_End_Date = Cast(GetDate() As Date)
      ,Process_End_DateTime = GetDate()
      ,Process_Complete_Flag = 1
      ,Processing_Time = GetDate() - Process_Start_DateTime
      Where KPI_Log_ID = (Select Max(KPI_Log_ID) From Company_KPI_Log)

    6. Press OK

This completes the build side, the final step is to deploy the package to SQL Server, and configure the Agent scheduler which is covered from Step 3 in the shorter guide here: Programmatic Workbook Refresh (10 Minute Read) - On a Tableau Quest... - Confluence (