New Hire Process: Technical Assessment
Congratulations, you have made it to the technical testing stage of the interview process, your suitability for the role is confirmed.
We appreciate that tests are never easy to encounter, and can often be thought of as meaningless, we want to assure you that this test is not an assessment of your suitability for the role - you have already demonstrated your suitability by getting this far.
The purpose of this test will enable us to understand your skill-level, and to provide further training (where necessary) should you join us.
The following test is divided into 3 sections:
- The SQL test: Often undervalued or misunderstood. For us, strong SQL skill is vital for all visualisation, from modelling, to calculations, to performance tuning.
- Tableau: A deep assessment of your Tableau product knowledge
- A collection of Tableau charts for you to reproduce; you will need access to a full version of Tableau (either desktop or Public) to undertake this. Follow this link to get the latest version of Tableau Public
Section 1: SQL
Customer_Name | Category |
Claire Gute | Furniture |
Claire Gute | Furniture |
Darrin Van Huff | Office Supplies |
Sean O'Donnell | Furniture |
Sean O'Donnell | Office Supplies |
Brosina Hoffman | Furniture |
Brosina Hoffman | Office Supplies |
Brosina Hoffman | Technology |
Brosina Hoffman | Office Supplies |
Brosina Hoffman | Office Supplies |
Brosina Hoffman | Furniture |
Brosina Hoffman | Technology |
Andrew Allen | Office Supplies |
Irene Maddox | Office Supplies |
Harold Pawlan | Office Supplies |
Harold Pawlan | Office Supplies |
Each row in the above table represents an order. Please can you write the code to return the customer name, and the count of orders for all those who have more than 1 order.
Customer_Name | Order_ID | Order_Date | Order_Value |
Aaron Bergman | CA-2017-140935 | 2017-11-10 | 563.94 |
Aaron Bergman | CA-2015-156587 | 2015-03-07 | 309.592 |
Aaron Bergman | CA-2015-152905 | 2015-02-18 | 12.624 |
Aaron Hawkins | CA-2018-164000 | 2018-12-18 | 18.704 |
Aaron Hawkins | CA-2017-162747 | 2017-03-20 | 86.45 |
Aaron Hawkins | CA-2016-130113 | 2016-12-27 | 991.26 |
Aaron Hawkins | CA-2015-157644 | 2015-12-31 | 53.67 |
Aaron Smayling | CA-2018-101749 | 2018-10-03 | 171.288 |
Aaron Smayling | US-2018-147655 | 2018-09-04 | 88.074 |
Aaron Smayling | CA-2018-162691 | 2018-08-01 | 1476.27 |
Aaron Smayling | CA-2017-162901 | 2017-03-28 | 31.4 |
Aaron Smayling | US-2015-150126 | 2015-07-27 | 65.78 |
Adam Bellavance | CA-2018-107174 | 2018-11-06 | 2595.388 |
Adam Bellavance | CA-2018-118213 | 2018-11-05 | 240.15 |
Adam Bellavance | CA-2018-134173 | 2018-09-16 | 20.736 |
From the above table, please can you write the code to return:
- Customer Name
- First and last Order_ID
- First and last Order_Date
- First and last Order_Value
Please ensure you are using ANSI SQL for this task
Expected result [tbl_output]:
Customer_Name | Order_ID | Order_Date | Order_Value |
Aaron Bergman | CA-2017-140935 | 2017-11-10 | 563.94 |
Aaron Bergman | CA-2015-152905 | 2015-02-18 | 12.624 |
Aaron Hawkins | CA-2018-164000 | 2018-12-18 | 18.704 |
Aaron Hawkins | CA-2015-122070 | 2015-04-22 | 257.752 |
Aaron Smayling | CA-2018-101749 | 2018-10-03 | 171.288 |
Aaron Smayling | US-2015-150126 | 2015-07-27 | 65.78 |
Adam Bellavance | CA-2018-107174 | 2018-11-06 | 2595.388 |
Adam Bellavance | CA-2016-150511 | 2016-09-18 | 18.54 |
Using the result from question 2 [tbl_output], please write a query that will return on the same row the:
- Customer Name
- First Order Value
- Last Order Value
- Percentage difference between the first and last orders
Customer_Name | Latest_Value | Earliest_Value | Perc_Diff |
Aaron Bergman | 563.94 | 12.624 | 4367.20532319392 |
Aaron Hawkins | 18.704 | 257.752 | -92.7434122722617 |
Aaron Smayling | 171.288 | 65.78 | 160.395256916996 |
Adam Bellavance | 2595.388 | 18.54 | 13898.8565264293 |
First_Name | Last_Name | Order_Date | Order_ID |
Chuck | Clark | 2018-12-30 | CA-2018-126221 |
Erica | SMITH | 2018-12-30 | CA-2018-115427 |
Jill | Matthias | 2018-12-30 | CA-2018-156720 |
Patrick | O'Donnell | 2018-12-30 | CA-2018-143259 |
Michael | Chen | 2018-12-29 | US-2018-102638 |
James | Galang | 2018-12-29 | CA-2018-118885 |
Katherine | hughes | 2018-12-29 | US-2018-158526 |
Ken | Brennan | 2018-12-29 | CA-2018-158673 |
Bruce | Stewart | 2018-12-29 | CA-2018-130631 |
Ben | Peterman | 2018-12-29 | CA-2018-146626 |
Christopher | Schild | 2018-12-28 | CA-2018-135111 |
Erica | Hernandez | 2018-12-28 | CA-2018-127516 |
Greg | Hansen | 2018-12-28 | CA-2018-136539 |
Harry | Marie | 2018-12-28 | CA-2018-129805 |
Kristen | Smith | 2018-12-30 | CA-2018-163979 |
Lori | Olson | 2018-12-28 | CA-2018-163860 |
Jason | Gross | 2018-12-28 | CA-2018-101322 |
Jennifer | smith | 2018-12-30 | CA-2018-164826 |
Pamela | Coakley | 2018-12-28 | US-2018-162068 |
Susan | SMITH | 2018-12-28 | CA-2018-122798 |
This table contains 1 trillion rows of data, and has indexes on the Last_Name and Order_Date columns.
Last_Name is case insensitive meaning entries can be either UPPERCASE, lowercase, or MiXed-cASe.
You are looking for all customers whose Last_Name is 'smith' (all cases). Text searches are case-sensitive meaning that searching in just one case, may not return all customers, and you are also only interested in orders made on 2018-12-30
An initial analysis of the data shows that of the 1 trillion rows, 2018-12-30 contains just 500,000 (five-hundred thousand) rows of data.
Which of these queries is the more efficient to fetch the required data, considering the performance enhancements. Explain why.
Query 1 | Query 2 |
Please can you put these query operations into the correct execution order
Query Order | Execution Order |
Select From Join Where Group By Having Order By |
Question 5b:
What is a Union, and Union All? How do they differ? And can you provide an example of their use.
Please can you name the five join types, and provide an example of their use.
This table is a transaction stream log:
Row_ID | Txn_ID | Account_ID | Txn_DateTime | Status |
1 | 123abc | 112233 | 2000-01-01 08:08:45 | Initiated |
2 | 895jkl | 112233 | 2000-01-01 08:09:03 | Initiated |
3 | 747ghd | 456789 | 2000-01-01 08:12:21 | Initiated |
4 | 123abc | 112233 | 2000-01-01 08:13:15 | In Process |
5 | 696pol | 456892 | 2000-01-01 08:14:37 | Initiated |
6 | 123abc | 112233 | 2000-01-01 08:17:43 | Successful |
7 | 895ghd | 784521 | 2000-01-01 08:22:51 | Initiated |
8 | 696pol | 456892 | 2000-01-01 08:23:04 | In Process |
9 | 696pol | 456892 | 2000-01-01 08:23:08 | Failed |
Can you estimate how many entries we would expect to capture in a month. Explain.
Section 2: Advanced Tableau Questions
Thinking about Tableau, you have a workbook connected to a data-source that is more than 3 billion rows and is around 180 columns wide.
This data needs to be refactored each day so the entirety of the table must be dropped and rebuilt in a job taking more than 12 hours each night.
Data this large is too much to be loaded into an extract, and too much for Tableau Server to unpack into temp memory.
Due to these size constraints, and that the number of concurrent users average around 120 each day, the workbook can only connect real-time.
The workbook visuals aren’t overly complex, neither do they plot a lot of marks; however, they are performing a lot of look-up calculations as they are measuring multi-variate tests.
The dashboard currently takes around 5 minutes to render after loading and after each filter change, this is unacceptable and needs to get to below 20 seconds.
Please can you describe some of the methods you would use to identify the performance bottlenecks, and methods on resolving them
Looking at this table:
Which of these two calculations is the most performant in achieving the highlighted row? Explain
Table Calculation | Level-of-detail Expression |
Window_Sum(Sum(Sales)) | Sum({Fixed Segment, Category : Sum(Sales)}) |
The version 2020.2 changes to the Tableau data model have superseded this, but it is still pertinent for a Tableau developer to understand this
Consider this ER diagram:
You are connecting Tableau to this reporting database.
Whilst there are fields called ‘foreign key’ within each table, there is no relational integrity between the tables, these fields being provided for lookups and joins.
You are building a report that analyses the relationship between the numbers of products ordered and their destination city.
How would you model the data?
Option 1: Tableau's Data Model | Option 2: CustomSQL |
Use Tableau’s data-model window, adding each field and joining based on the ER diagram | Write your own query using SQL, that simply processes the necessary joins, and add the data to a CustomSQL object |
Section 3: Tableau Task
Looking at this dashboard (collection of charts). We would like you to try to replicate using Superstore Sales (download below). We have provided you the fields used on each chart, and many of the charts have clues as to what their values represent.
You need to build us 6 useable charts that tell us something about the performance of the Superstore, we would like for you to attempt to replicate all the charts.
We also appreciate that you may be unfamiliar with charts 3, 4 & 5, if you are unable to build charts 3, 4 & 5, please build replacements that you feel will compliment the rest of the charts in the collection.
It will be awesome if you could add some interactivity into this too.
As with all parts of this assessment, if you get stuck, please reach out to us; remember, this role is collaborative, and we want to help you as much as we can.
Please ensure you read and all parts of the dashboard before setting-off.
Should the interview over-run, you can complete this task in your own time if you like. Should you choose to do so, please ensure you send as a version no later than the previous first sub-version (xxxx.01); so if the latest version is 2020.02, then we want no later than 2019.01
Workbook not loading, open the image here: | Superstore Sales |