Tableau Overview: for the Excel User
Beginning in early 2015, Tableau has seen an exponential rise in use particularly by Excel users. Much of the training material available, indeed, even this very site, is geared to helping you get the most from Tableau, however, whilst most BI tools are broadly the same, Tableau is one of the least Excel-centric available on the market, which means that greater emphasis needs to be made in helping those users migrating from Excel and Excel-centric tools adapt to the tool far more easier and quicker.
Here, I shall be adressing some of the most common problems I have been asked by migrating users; hopefully, you will find this helpful towards your path as a BI developer.
Whilst this article is Tableau-centric, being a BI tool, this article is also useful for Excel users moving to a competitor BI tool such as QlikSense, Business Objects, Looker etc
What is Tableau?
Before we delve into this, lets turn the question around and ask: what is Excel?
Where are my calculations processed?
Can Tableau write data?
There appears to be loads of things I can easily do with Excel but not or not very easily if at all with Tableau
So if Tableau is nothing more than a Pivot Table and I can already use this in Excel, why do I need Tableau?
So, if I can do more with Tableau than I can with Excel, can't I just ditch Excel?
Tableau is NEVER wrong
That's a bold statement, I hope you have some rock-solid evidence to back this up.